Architecture is the
Space Between People.
Architecture is more than building buildings, it's about people and how they use, create and think about space. It is a weapon to produce future. And as with every weapon, we should think a lot about how we want to use it.
Theory inspired by practice.
The pursuit of prosperity, unlimited mobility and the struggle for the best location in a limited space are increasingly in competition with our desire for social and ecological justice. The hope of resolving of this insoluble contradiction is pushing us to search for new possibilities for sustainable socio-ecological planning and building. My research is aiming to find new ways of organizing, designing and creating common spaces where people can work together on a better future.
Complexity is the solution.
The challenges facing the future of the city are becoming more complex and can no longer be solved in the silo of a single discipline alone. We are therefore called upon to work together on an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary basis. I curate, coordinate and moderate cooperative and co-creative processes and projects.
You need help in creating a Space Between People? -> Let's talk about it and find out together what is needed. You would like my counselling on a specific problem or an exchange on an open topic? -> I offer my time for € per hour or in exchange for an hour of your time on a topic I want to talk about or a job you can do for me.
Subjects that I like to talk about
- Participation in City Planning
- Cooperative Urban Space
- Processes of Co-Creation
- New Roles in Architecture
- Urban Initiatives and Activism
- Urban Commons
- Public Pools and Ice Cream
Questions? Just write me!
- +49 (0) 176 820 87 357