Architecture is the
Space Between People


We should ask the question more often: What is actually architecture? Architecture is more than building buildings, it’s about people and how they use, create and think about space. It is a powerful tool for shaping the future. And like any tool of great influence, we must carefully consider if, and how, we choose to wield it.

Theory inspired by practice.


The pursuit of prosperity, limitless mobility, and the competition for prime locations in limited space are increasingly at odds with our desire for social and ecological justice. The hope of resolving this seemingly insoluble contradiction drives the search for new approaches to sustainable socio-ecological planning and construction. My research seeks to discover innovative ways to organize, design, and create shared spaces where people can collaboratively work toward a better future.

Complexity is the solution.


The challenges facing the future of cities are becoming increasingly complex and can no longer be addressed within the confines of a single discipline. This calls for collaborative efforts across both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary lines. I curate, coordinate, and facilitate cooperative and co-creative processes and projects.

Do you need help creating a Space Between People? Let’s discuss it and figure out together what’s needed.

Subjects that I like to talk about

  • Participation in City Planning
  • Cooperative Urban Space
  • Processes of Co-Creation
  • New Roles in Architecture
  • Urban Initiatives and Activism
  • Urban Commons
  • Public Pools and Ice Cream

Questions? Just write me!